VKDMR Hotspot Setup

Michael VK4MWL has pulled together a great guide to DMR hotspots and how to set yours up.

Curent File: VKDMR Hotspot Setup v1.4.pdf

DMR Radio Setup and Etiquette

Bruce VK4EHT has prepared excellent guides on how to configure and use DMR radios.

Digital voice and etiquette: Digital voice net ettiquettev1.0.pdf

DMR talkgroups and timeslots: DMR TalkGroups & TimeSlots.pdf

Configuring a DMR radio: General notes for configuring a DMR radio.pdf

Signal reporting in DMR: Signal reporting in DMR.abw.pdf

DMR Articles

Introduction to DMR

less than 1 minute read

Many BARC memebers have decided to investigate DMR. This series of articles will form a knoweldge base for members and other new to this part of Ham radio.