Office Bearers 2024/2025

Office Bearer
President Guerino Galeazzi VK4GUE
Vice President Michael O'Donnell VK4MGO
Secretary Scotty Brown VK4BRO
Treasurer Greg Meyer VK4GLM
Webmaster Ashley Roll VK4ASH
Webmaster Guerino Galeazzi VK4GUE
Providore Michael O'Donnell VK4MGO
Repeater Manager Glenn Lyons VK4PK
Assistant Repeater Manager Shannon Duffy VK4FHEA
Social Media & Publicity Praj Bhattaram VK4MPB
Accredited Assessor Michael Lanagan VK4MWL
Accredited Assessor Michael O'Donnell VK4MGO


Committee positions are elected at the Annual General Meeting which is held in May or June of each year.