When you decide you want an Amateur licence

Visit the Brisbane Amateur Radio Club, meet some members and learn about Amateur Radio. Check Wireless Institute Australia (WIA) or Radio Amateur Society of Australia (RASA). Both have study guides online and sample questions for the exams are available. There are several training courses online from Radio and Electronics School (RES) and Silverdale TrainSafe). Make sure you study for the Australian licence and refer to the ACMA Syllabus)

Levels of Licence

  • The Foundation Licence is an entry level and will get your on the air (with limited power and frequencies).
  • The Standard Licence has more complex exam questions but allows more power and more frequency bands.
  • The Advanced licence is again more complex with greater power allowed and provides access to more bands.

For more details, visit ACMA Qualifications)

Taking the exam

When you can confidently complete most of the sample questions contact an Accredited Assessor who will arrange your exam. Some notice is required to arrange printing of exam papers. There is no cost for the exam and Assessors are unpaid volunteers. The exam can take 2 - 3 hours.

The Theory exam consists of a formal written multi choice exam supervised by an Accredited Assessor. The assessor will mark the exam and will tell you if you have passed or failed. The pass mark is 70%.

The exams also have a practical component administered by the Assessor. You will be required to identify several radio related items and safely assemble components of a typical radio transmitter. You will need to demonstrate the protocol for a call and an answer.

The purpose of the exam is to prove to the ACMA that you have adequate technical and practical knowledge to assemble an amateur radio station without causing interference to other users of the radio spectrum and to do it safely so you are not a danger to yourself or others.

FAQ Facts (Not fake news)

  • You don’t have to join our club, but its well worth while.
  • You don’t need to know morse code. (Although many amateurs still use it).
  • The exam is free. There is a one off ACMA fee for the licence.
  • A Foundation licence can give you world wide communications.
  • You can choose from a list of available callsigns.
For accurate information contact one of the club Accredited
Assessors. Don't rely on rumours.